Sunday, November 10, 2013

Reasons To Be Thankful

This past week I've seen tons of my Facebook friends posting everyday something they're thankful for. I pondered joining the craze, but knew my intentions would probably fall short, and I wouldn't make it all the way through the month. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm not grateful for all God has given me. It's more that I'm a realist. Reality is, my plate is already too full, and I don't have enough time as it is.

This morning as I lay in bed with Chloe, holding her hand as she slept, I couldn't help but be overcome with just how thankful I am that God chose me to be her mommy. Chloe has truly been my answer to so many prayers. She is my sweet, kind, caring girl. She loves to help, is always looking out for her mommy, and has a heart for animals that's bigger than Texas. She is passionate and insistent about holding my hand when she is sleeping, and still will beg "hold me!" I am lucky enough to have a daughter who is independent and adventuresome, yet never too big to crawl up in mommy 's lap and be babied.

She also has her quirks. That's what makes her special. Since infancy, she has never wanted to be alone. I had one of those babies that you had to drag to the bathroom with you just so she wouldn't cry. She's still that way. Chloe doesn't ever want to be too far away from me at home. She's not one to go off and play in her room. Rather, she wants to be with me, helping me, or, unbeknownst to her, hindering me. ;) How can that bother me though? She's just so darn loving. It's the same way at bed time too. We have never been the parents that could lay her down in her crib and walk away. I've said it time and time again...I'm going to have the only 5 year old girl who still gets rocked to sleep at night. That's okay by me, though. I love those moments together. I'd rather be there to  comfort her in her most dreaded moments than to worry about "sleep training" my child or whether she will sleep in her bed. And, that brings us back to this morning. Like most nights, she is in our bed when I wake up this morning. Of course, I am holding her hand. I'm pretty sure she has a death grip on it while she snoozes away. As I lay there, staring at my beautiful princess, dreaming sweet dreams, and holding my hand, I was overcome with love. Never have I loved so deeply, so purely, and with everything that I have. There is much to be thankful for in this world of mine, but nothing more so than this precious little girl that is mine all mine. For her, #30daysofthanks just won't suffice. #365/24.7daysofthanks still may not be enough.

I love you, Chloe, my sweet baby girl!


Friday, November 8, 2013

There's Nothing Like A Muffin Making Mini!

Yesterday was one heck of a long day. After school ended, we had an evening filled with parent conferences until 8pm. Luckily, unlike last time, Rusty is in town this week and was able to pick Chloe up from Jakki's house and take care of her.  Last time, the poor girl spent three hours up at school with me being semi-entertained by one of my cheerleaders.  I know it's probably weird, but I truly get excited when Rusty and Chloe get to spend alone time together. He's gone so much, and I think it's good for both of them. I know Chloe sure does enjoy it.

As usual, after he picked her up, she wanted to go on the "foh weeyer." It was cold outside, but daddy is kind of a sucker. Here she is all bundled up. It's a bit blurry, but it cracks me up. How many people have a sippy cup holder on their four wheeler???

After their off roading adventures were complete, they made mommy dinner. I must admit, daddy is much better at letting Chloe help than I am.  I'm working on it, but messes make my head spin a bit. Anyways, after helping daddy season the chicken and make the rice, Rusty let Chloe make me organic blueberry muffins! He took about a million pictures along the way, too. Rusty swears she really, truly made them herself. He said he would show her what she needed to do and then she would take over. When the next step in the process came, he would show her that process, and she would take over again.  Here's a few of the pictures he took chronicling the process.

When I arrived home, Chloe was so excited for me to come in the door. She met me in the garage, grabbed me by my coat tail and practically dragged me into the kitchen all the while telling the dogs, "MY mommy!"  Then, with daddy's help, she grabbed the plate of muffins and handed them to me saying, "Es yours!"  I truly do have the sweetest girl. :)

After dinner we indulged ourselves in Chloe's organic blueberry crumble muffins, took a bath, and Chloe passed out in about two minutes flat on me.  To be honest though, I'm not sure it even took me two minutes to pass out.  Rusty took this picture.  It's definitely not my most flattering moment, but she looks so dang funny on me.  Who would have thought my almost two year old would still want to be rocked/held every night? #iloveit

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!


Friday, November 1, 2013

A Little Rant And A Big Ole Bunch Of Halloween Cuties

Oh happy day! We made it, people! It's FRIDAY! In teacher terms, it's also November 1st, the absolute worst day in the entire school year for sugared up kids.  Seriously, if you're a parent, take heed. Are you one of those that let's your kid stuff their pockets and lunch box full of last night's chocolate coated treasures before you send them off on the bus, out of your hair for the next eight hours?  If so, I think it's safe to say, you are not on my list of favorite people today.  Just saying...  I seriously had one girl walk into my first period class with her entire bucket of Halloween candy. No lie!  Learning is difficult on November 1st.

Enough of my soapbox...on to something fun. Last night was a blast in the Thompson household!  For the second year in a row, we trick or treated with Jakki's and Jen's girls.  Everyone had a blast, the girls got way more candy than their sweet mommies will ever let them eat, and hopefully, we walked off a few calories as we made our way around the neighborhood.  The dads joined us this year too! Jakki and I joked that we needed to bring them along every year because our job was so much easier. :) Here's a few pictures of our evening:

Points to note: Maddie, the flower, wore this outfit on her first Halloween at a mere 5 months old. She is one skinny mini! Also, look at Jenna! We took this photo right before we set out trick or treating. Jenna's sweet face is already riddled in chocolate! 

My little Minnie Mouse. I really wanted to make her a homeless woman this year, but who can say no this sweet face?

Chloe getting a ride from her daddy.

Take a look at the girls last year compared to this year! They're growing up way too quick! :(

Here's to a fabulous weekend, friends! Hopefully it won't be rainy and wet again. Oh, and let's all go ahead and celebrate daylight savings time! We gain an extra hour of sleep on Sunday!  Woo hoo!!!

Till next time,
