Thursday, December 19, 2013

Irony, Coincidences, and White Feathers

Okay, so I realize that I just posted a blog only a few hours ago, but I feel compelled to share again.  A while back I purchased the new Theresa Caputo book, “There More To Life Than This.” I’ve been slowly reading it. Emphasize the word slowly. Let’s just say November and December are not prime months for this mommy to have many spare moments to curl up with a book. 

In the book, Theresa mentions several times that quite often your spirits are communicating with you in ways, but you are unaware.  She encourages you to open your eyes, and your hearts, and that you will notice.  One of the topics she discusses is that often times in life you have those moments where you experience déjà vu and even irony. She says that often comes from your spirit friends.  Recently, since reading that part of her book and deciding I wanted to pay more attention to those types of situations, I have been overcome with those moments. Seriously, overcome. Examples include having conversations with Chloe that I just know I have had before. I literally know what’s going to come out of her mouth before she even takes a breath and the tv or radio saying the same thing I’m thinking, saying, or texting. A prime example is last night. One of my girls text me asking how to spell frappucchino.   Literally, as I was typing a text back to her spelling out the word for her, a commercial on tv says frappucchino like five times. Honestly, that’s truly nothing big. But, since I’ve been open and looking for signs, every time something like this happens, I think in my head, “Is that spirit? Or, is that just coincidence?”  Today, I had some similar experiences and finally I said in my head, “Okay, dad, if this is you trying to make yourself known, you’re going to have to give me something more concrete to work with here.” Then, I went to lunch. 

Before I tell you the next part of my story, I need to rewind a bit.  In Theresa’s book, she mentions that white feathers are also a sign from a spirit trying to make their presence known to you. Yesterday, I found myself completely entangled in reading about this man who lost his wife to a rare form of lung cancer only two years after they married and only one year after they had their daughter. The story centered around him and his daughter having a photo shoot done in their house, also where they had their wedding photos done, using all the same poses, only it was him and his daughter, rather than the wife.  During the photo shoot, the photographer, the late wife’s sister, had the little girl go sit by the window where she often pictured her sister rocking the little girl. When the little girl went over there, she found a white feather lying where the mom used to sit.  These feathers had been showing up in random places frequently for them. The feather ended up being the center of several pictures in that shoot.  Here’s the excerpt from her sister’s blog:

Lately Ali has been IN.OUR.FACE. Like non stop. I usually get a handful of “messages/signs” weekly. But a couple weeks ago I asked her to make herself more present for me. Welp, let’s just say she listened for once . I never share these things but with some super close friends or my family, but I feel like she’s begging me to share with you guys. So I decided I will. Feathers have been a consistent token from her. Fall out of nowhere onto me, all.the.time. Anywho. As you probably figured, I was having anxiety about cleaning out her stuff with my family and then taking pictures in their empty house. When we went upstairs into Olivia’s room to shoot, I directed Olivia to stand by the window. In my mind I imagined Ali rocking her as an infant in that very spot. She went there, then bent down and picked something up…a white feather. Oh hey sis! Glad you could make an appearance in this sesh. That same day I got a couple other blatant signs, another of which was a bigger white feather while outside picking a Christmas tree with my aunt Dale. (Another past time we did together.)

You can read more of the Nunery's story by clicking HERE. You can read the entire blog, including about the white feather, by clicking HERE.

Now that you have some background information, back to my story.  So, I told my dad that if he wanted to make his presence known, I needed him to be a little more concrete than mere coincidences and pieces of irony. I needed something tangible. Something I couldn’t argue or talk myself out of.  Like I said, after this conversation, I went to lunch.

After lunch, I returned to my room, got my kids on task, and sat down at my desk to take attendance. That's when something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. I looked over to the left side of my desk and sitting there in the middle of my desk was….A WHITE FEATHER! A white feather, people! I kid you not! Here it is!

Seriously, I can't tell you the last time I saw a feather. Much less a white one...ON MY DESK! I took this hugely loud, deep breath which proceeded to interrupt all of my kids. I was shaking slightly, my heart felt like it weighed 100 pounds and was beating marathon fast, and I’m pretty sure I was in a state of utter shock. Alright, dad. I get it. This is tangible. This is concrete. I’ll take it! Thank you!! Never have I ever been so thankful for blogging Thursdays (which we have in every class for 20 minutes on Thursdays and Fridays). I turned to my keyboard, and as my students blogged (I bet 90% of them were blogging about how there’s only one more day until Christmas break, that’s right, I said CHRISTMAS break.) I opened up my little Blogger and proceeded to share my experience with you. #BELIEVE

Till next time,

Sometimes I Just Can't Ride The Safe, Middle Line

        It’s been such a long time since I’ve blogged. There’s been plenty to write about: our 2013 Iceoliday, Thanksgiving, my Secret Santa woes, all things Chloe related (Did I mention she was moved up from the mommy and me class to the preschool class?!?), the never ending Christmas shopping, those pesky 10 pounds I’ve gained that just won’t budge (thank you, 32!).  Oh how the list goes on and on. There’s no way I could ever catch up. So, I think I’ll just blog with what’s on my mind this morning.
Sometimes I can be super opinionated on issues, but usually I just ride the line straight down the middle, especially when it comes to politics. I tend to be “wishy washy” and easily swayed one way or the other.  Last night, I was half-heartedly watching Barbara Walter’s special on the most fascinating people of 2013. I say half-heartedly because I was also reading a ridiculously long article on Kidd Kraddick (you can find a link to that article by clicking HERE) that had way more of my attention. That’s why when Barbara was interviewing Hillary Clinton, I had no idea, I repeat, NO IDEA, that she was named the #1 most fascinating person of 2013! In fact, her interview is probably the one I paid the least attention to. I find her rather boring mundane stale yawn worthy.  Really, Barbara? Really? On what grounds is she fascinating? What has she done this year to earn this title? I could think of so  many more interesting, fascinating, and deserving people. It’s not that I don’t like Hillary, it’s not that I do like her. I really could care less either way about her. (Once again, I ride the middle a lot.) I just don’t get it. She hasn’t been in the spotlight for any good deed, she hasn’t done something amazing this year; heck, has she done much of anything this year aside trying to avoid the subpoena to testify under oath about her part in the whole Benghazi attack? You know, the security lapse that was her ultimate responsibility and cost four American’s their lives? Let me tell you, I don’t know just how fascinating those four families feel she is. What about Miley Cyrus? Hasn’t she had way more “press making” moments? (Not that I like her. Actually, I kinda detest her and think she’s gross. But still, she’s more interesting than Hillary freaking Clinton!) What about the new Pope who’s the epitome of what a 21st century, new world Pope should be?  I hate to say it, but Barbara, my dear, you are way off on this one.
Now, on to the next topic that caught my attention this morning. Apparently, Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the Duck Dynasty family, made some comments in GQ magazine that he opposed the gay lifestyle, bestiality, adultery, and several other things.  The conversation began because Phil told the reporter, "Everything is blurred on what's right and what's wrong ... sin becomes fine." He’s totally right! How many times have we all asked ourselves, “What IS wrong with our world today?!” What’s right and what’s wrong have truly become totally blurred. It’s the new, 21st century lifestyle. Ask for forgiveness later, turn your head the other way, let your kids get away with murder, and condone everything.  The magazine went on to ask him what he considers sinful. "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there -- bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men," he said.  Once again, isn’t he right? Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with any of my friends or family being homosexual. It truly could matter less to me. Mainly, because it’s not my place to judge. The Bible says it’s wrong, it’s a sin, but until I am free of sin, and I am so far from it, my job is to live my life the best I can and love those around me. I have gay friends who are amazing people.  I would never judge them.  This too is how Phil Robertson lives his life. He ended his discussion about the sins in our world today by telling the reporter, "We never, ever judge someone on who's going to heaven, hell. That's the Almighty's job. We just love 'em, give 'em the good news about Jesus -- whether they're homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort 'em out later, you see what I'm saying?" 
I read this all this morning in an article reporting that he has been suspended by A&E for his comments. It really angered me, the walk the middle line girl. He said he would “never, ever judge someone,” he just disagrees with their choices.  BIG DEAL! I seriously doubt there is anyone in the world that totally agrees with the choices that every other person in their life makes. Isn’t Phil the one being judged by the network and the world for his personal and religious beliefs?  Frankly, I admire him for being committed enough to his beliefs to stand up in front of the world and say so.  These days, we are so concerned with what is politically correct, what might offend someone, blah, blah, blah…Sometimes I feel that as a whole, we are forced to bite our tongue and not embrace our true beliefs except behind closed doors.  Need I go into the whole “Happy Holidays” rather than “Merry Christmas” crap?
            I can also see though how the homosexual community could feel hurt when their lifestyle isn’t accepted by someone. Really though, isn’t that life? Not every decision and choice I have made has been one that everyone would support or agree with. And, it has bothered me when others have disagreed with me. Ultimately though, we are adults living in a free nation with a right to do and say how we please to do and say. Where on one corner there is someone opposing you, on the next is someone who will have your back.  So why does everyone have to be so PC? It’s truly done out of fear. Fear for their job, their friends, and fear of an uproar. The reality of America, the land of the free, has truly taken on a new definition. Welcome to America, the land of the free, the land where political correctness reigns, and the land where we must now only wish our fellow Americans a happy holidays.  But, of course, in God we trust. Ironic much?
            On a lighter note, today is pajama day at Chloe’s dance studio. Since I pretty much bolt in a mad dash straight from Jakki’s house to the studio to get there on time, she got to wear her pajamas to Jakki’s house today. Here she is in our morning picture to send to daddy who is working in Kansas this week. 

I hope you all have a fabulous Thursday and find your way to the weekend safe, happy, and not completely broke from Christmas.

Till next time,
